The line of the campaign we developed was “The street is moving”. The execution of the campaign was an experiment in “what is digital advertising.” We created an expensive website, and a “viral video”. The website was something the client really wanted. It ended up being rad, beautiful, and was a FWA site of the day. But it didn’t feel like it was a piece of mainstream communication. The “video” was made for about 70,000 euros and was embraced and seeded by the markets across Europe and the Americas. In the 3 weeks prior to the game release, the video got 18,000,000 hits.
The video was cause for debate and lots of earned media impressions. This was a sports talk news program in Mexico where they watched the video and commented.
This is a walk through of the site. Great innovative use of parallaxes for the time.
In the end the game didn’t sell very well. I was always suspect of their pricing strategy for the game. Their thought was that in 2008 people would buy FIFA 08 for around 57 euros. And then, later in the year buy FIFA STREET 3, for the same price. I thought 2 football games in the same year at that premium price was too much to ask. But people don’t usually ask copywriters about price points.
With Christiano Abrahao, Mark Bernath, Eric Quennoy, Jorge Calleja , Nessim Higson, Kimia Farshidzad